No te podes perder ... la oportunidad de aprender ingles tan facilmente

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Causative HAVE

Causative Have
Reword the following sentences, using HAVE with a past participle.
 1. Someone washed my car for me yesterday     .
2. Someone doesn't clean them for us every day                                                        .
3. I asked someone to paint the gate last week                                                         .
4. Someone tuned her piano for her yesterday                                                           .
5. Somebody will have to see it for you                                                                    .
6. I asked a man to mend my shoes                                                                         .
7. Somebody sends Maisie her dresses from Paris                                                        .
8. Your hair wants cutting. You must                                                                       .
9. Tell someone to translate it into English                                                                .
10.Our season tickets need renewing. We must                                                          .
11.I'll ask someone to make a new one                                                                     .
12.We ordered somebody to whitewash the ceiling                                                      .
13.Order someone to send it round to the house                                                        .
14.The knives want sharpening. We must                                                                  .
15.We must find somebody to chop all this wood up                                                    .
16.Tell him to take another photograph                                                                     .
17.I'm going to tell someone to add an extra room                                                      .
18.Your car wants servicing. You must                                                                     .
19.He asked his tailor to lengthen the trousers                                                           .
20.Tell someone to bring it to you on a tray       

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